One of the jet hydrofoil boats that ply the coastal waters of the Izu Penninsula, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan.
Dense woodland and rocky outlet to the sea, Jyogasaki Coast [城ヶ崎海岸], Izu Penninsula [伊豆半島], Japan.
Photo of the day - 30 May 2016
A peaceful morning at Renchakuji [蓮着寺] temple, near Jyogasaki Kaigan [城ヶ崎海岸], Shizuoka Prefecture [静岡県], Japan.
Photo of the day - 25 May 2016
Fireworks along the waterfront of Ito City [伊東市], Shizuoka Prefecture [静岡県], Japan.
Photo of the day - 23 Apr 2016
A place I call "the back stairs" on the walking trail along the Izu Penninsula's Jyogasaki Coast, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan.