A few images from three of our greatest National Parks.
From the Snake River overlook, site of Ansel Adams' iconic photo of the Grand Tetons. The trees have grown up a bit since Mr. Adams shot this view.
"The Tetons and the Snake River", Ansel Adams, 1942.
A view of the Grand Teton range from a bit further out to the east - Togwotee Pass.
And from up closer at Oxbow Bend near the top of Jackson Lake.
String Lake at sunset.
Oxbow Bend at 5:00 AM. Lots of stars . . .
Heading north from Jackson Hole into Yellowstone National Park:
The headwaters area at the southern end of Yellowstone National Park.
Rainbow at Kepler Cascades.
Old Faithful geyser.
And, continuing further north to Glacier National Park:
Along the shore of Lake McDonald, Glacier National Park.
Nymphalis antiopa, common name "Mourning Cloak".