Dream Lake with a splash of morning sunlight.
Struggling sunrise, near Hygiene, Colorado.
Struggling sunrise, near Hygiene, Colorado.
On the road - central Utah.
Bear Lake at dawn.
Dream Lake with a splash of morning sunlight.
The sun rises over a fog-filled Salt Valley in Arches National Park, Utah on the shortest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere: 21 Dec.
A very silent night - the only sound I heard were some owls calling.
. . . and "Happy Thanksgiving" TO Lyons. Thanks to all of the volunteers, the National Guard and the Army, public services, and everyone who helped Lyons get back on its feet after the flooding in September.
There is still a lot of work to be done, and many people are still affected by the damage done. But things are getting better.
Lyons, Colorado. Thanksgiving Day 2013.
Massive rainbow over Lyons the morning of 25 Nov 2013. Lasted only one minute, but it was a beauty.