So-called "macro" photography - where the size of the photographic image is equal to or larger than the actual size of the object - allows us to see structure and color that is not clear to the naked eye.
Looking at the and adult Cecropia moth, Hyalophora cecropia. We will zoom in on the black eye spot on near the tip of the wing at lower right.
At this scale, the individual elements that make up the color pattern can start to be discerned.
Vincent van Gogh, Self Portrait, 1887. Pointillistic painting technique.
As more detail becomes apparent, it can be seen that the coloration on the moth wing is made of individual "particles", like a pointillistic painting where the color is applied in a pattern of dots or dabs with the tip of the painter's brush. In fact, these are tiny scales of various color that are attached to the clear membrane of the wing. Some of the scales are relatively broad and short, while others are more hair-like: long and narrow.
Getting in closer, the tiny scales that clothe the wings become visible. About 10x magnification.