Photos of the day - 31 May 2016

Right on schedule

As far as I can tell, there is only one cactus in my yard here at 6800 ft. MSL on the Front Range of the Rockies.  It lives on a patch of dirt in the pocket of a huge rock.  Whatever rain falls upon it quickly runs off or evaporates.  So while wildflowers of various sorts occupy most of the ground, this cactus may be the only thing that can survive in this microenvironment.

Every year, this member of the mammilaria family blooms in the last couple days of May.  For several days, the flowers open in the morning and close in the evening.  And then they are gone until the next year.

Photos of the day - 15 Apr 2016

Pasque Flower - Pulsatilla patens

Another harbinger of Spring.  As the first crocuses fade, the Pasque Flowers come in.  Unfortunately, these particular ones will have only two days in the sun before they likely get clobbered by a winter storm forecast to dump a couple of feet of snow on the Front Range of the Rockies over this weekend.