Time lapse of a Japanese Toad Lily [Tricyrtus sp.] blossoming. There are two video clips of separate flowers - one from the side, another from above. These flowers are quite small - only about 3 cm across when fully open.
Toad Lily in bloom
Morning in Moraine Park
Watch the light descend from Stones Peak and the mountains on the Continental Divide, down into Moraine Park in Rocky Mountain National Park.
While I was shooting the time-lapse movie above, there was plenty to look at on the ground:
"Shooting Star", Dodecatheon pulchellum.
"Western Blue Flag", or Mountain Iris.
Lookiing West across Moraine Park.
Epic skies
The time-lapse sequence below goes from about 5 pm until almost 8:30 pm.
Blue moon
Here's a time-lapse of the so-called "blue moon" - the second full moon of August 2012 - setting on the morning of 1 September.